Launch of Wales Institute of Digital Information

The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) and the NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) have joined forces to create the Wales Institute of Digital Information (WIDI) (University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 2017).
Through WIDI, NWIS will have access to the talent of students and graduates by providing part-time employment opportunities, work placements and internships linked to UWTSD’s School of Applied Computing. The collaboration will enable the NWIS to contribute to the design and delivery of relevant academic programmes within the UWTSD Group, which includes Coleg Sir Gâr and Coleg Ceredigion.
The initiative will also offer potential opportunities for informatics staff to access continuing professional development through the University’s award winning Wales Institute for Work-based Learning (WIWBL). Already the strategic partnership has enabled NWIS staff to undertake research opportunities as part of their doctoral studies, as well as provide a range of master classes for Applied Computing students at UWTSD.
Professor Medwin Hughes, Vice-Chancellor of UWTSD, said “The launch of the Wales Institute of Digital Informatics is an example of the way in which UWTSD is redefining the University experience for students, staff and our partners. Through our collaboration with industries such as NHS Informatics Service we aim to develop products and services that will make a difference to the lives of individuals and communities whilst also ensuring that we retain local talent by ensuring that graduate jobs are available in the area.
“The development of such strategic partnerships such as WIDI is a part of the University’s transformation agenda that aims to improve access to higher education and skills development that is relevant to local communities and employers, enhances graduate employability, and enables the University to fulfil its potential of contributing to the economic regeneration in the city, the Swansea Bay City Region and Wales.”