The robotic pet dragon helping with loneliness

A robotic pet dragon has been created to monitor a person’s movement, which can also help to combat loneliness if they live by themselves. The BBC reports it has been designed by Aberystwyth University’s Smart Home Lab as part of a study into how robots might help older people or those with health conditions to … Continue reading The robotic pet dragon helping with loneliness

Magicians are less likely to have mental health problems

Research undertaken at Aberystwyth University has demonstrated that magicians are less likely to suffer from the mental health challenges faced by other creative people, like musicians and comedians. From comedians like Robin Williams to poets and painters like Sylvia Plath and Vincent Van Gogh, many famous names have had well publicised mental health problems. While … Continue reading Magicians are less likely to have mental health problems

The drought resistant Welsh crop that will help Africa’s farmers

A crop developed at Aberystwyth University is set to help African farmers feed people in the face of climate change. Aberystwyth University reports its scientists, working with colleagues at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, based in Niamey, Niger, have developed a new drought resistant strain of pearl millet to help prepare … Continue reading The drought resistant Welsh crop that will help Africa’s farmers

Aberystwyth University spinout company to develop diagnostic tests for human and animal diseases

An innovative collaboration be­­­­tween scientists at Aberystwyth University and industry could lead to a breakthrough in the early detection o­­­­f chronic diseases in humans and animals. Aberystwyth University reports researchers at its Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) are working on new diagnostic technologies which could save the lives of thousands of people. … Continue reading Aberystwyth University spinout company to develop diagnostic tests for human and animal diseases

Funding to develop next generation of AI leaders

Swansea University has been awarded funding from the UK Government to create one of sixteen new Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) in Artificial Intelligence. It is part of a £100m investment by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) aimed at enabling a new generation of PhD students to use AI technology to improve healthcare, tackle climate … Continue reading Funding to develop next generation of AI leaders

Welsh beef to benefit from new research at IBERS

A three year project has been launched with the aim to not only increase the eating quality and value of Welsh beef production, but to improve returns to farmers and processors. Food Management Today reports the BeefQ Project is aiming to enhance the Welsh beef industry’s reputation and increase the eating quality and value of … Continue reading Welsh beef to benefit from new research at IBERS

Aberystwyth University tests accuracy of fitness trackers

Researchers at Aberystwyth University have been testing the accuracy of popular fitness trackers for BBC Wales consumer affairs programme X-Ray. Aberystwyth University reports Dr Rhys Thatcher, Reader in Exercise Physiology at the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), was commissioned by the programme to test the Fitbit Charge 2, Letscom HR and Letsfit. … Continue reading Aberystwyth University tests accuracy of fitness trackers

Phytoponics secures £300,000 extra funding

Aberystwyth-based agricultural technology firm Phytoponics has received a further £300,000 in a funding round led by Smart Anchor Capital. Insider Media reports it follows on from a £200,000 funding round completed earlier this year. Phytoponic’s patented Hydrosac technology recently produced two tonnes of high quality tomatoes through a pilot project housed at the company’s glasshouse … Continue reading Phytoponics secures £300,000 extra funding

Glyn Hewinson to lead Bovine TB Centre of Excellence

A new Centre of Excellence for Bovine Tuberculosis for Wales will open at Aberystwyth University later this year, bringing international expertise together with the aim of eradicating the cattle disease. The Welsh Government reports Professor Glyn Hewinson, a world renowned expert on bovine tuberculosis, will lead the centre’s work. Glyn Hewinson is Lead Scientist for … Continue reading Glyn Hewinson to lead Bovine TB Centre of Excellence

Phytoponics system used to grow trailblazing tomatoes

Cardiff-based agricultural start-up Phytoponics has teamed up with Aberystwyth University to grow two tonnes of tomatoes, using the patented Phytoponics system. Phytoponics was founded by Adam Dixon and Luke Parkin and was born out of Adam Dixon’s hydroponic hobby. Adam Dixon is a Cardiff University School of Engineering graduate. Cardiff University reports the trial is … Continue reading Phytoponics system used to grow trailblazing tomatoes

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