Welsh Ambulance Service moves its researchers to new base at Swansea University Medical School
The Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST) has moved its research and innovation offices to the Institute of Life Sciences at Swansea University Medical School, further strengthening the links between the two teams (Swansea University, 2017).
WAST has many national and international research and innovation partners, but its longstanding relationships with Swansea University have given rise to ambulance services research which is of international significance.
WAST has many ongoing research projects with the Health Services Research team, which is led by Professor Helen Snooks. These include the SAFER and SAFER 2 projects, which examine the best ways to prevent and treat falls in older people.
Swansea Trials Unit (STU) is the designated trials unit for WAST, and along with the Research Design and Conduct Service presents many opportunities to produce high quality research in ambulance services, emergency and pre-hospital care.
Swansea University and WAST also have strong educational and academic links through the Undergraduate Paramedic Practice programme, which is the only provider of pre-registration education for paramedics in Wales.
WAST is also a key partner of Swansea University in large scale developments for Wales and the region such as the ARCH project, which aims to transform healthcare in South West Wales, and involves industry, academic, health and other partners.
Professor Keith Lloyd, Dean and Head of Swansea University Medical School, said “On behalf of Swansea University Medical School, I’m delighted to welcome Welsh Ambulance Service Trust to our Institute of Life Science. It’s vital that our services are underpinned by robust evidence and research. So having WAST’s research and development office based here will help us build further links with the NHS and strengthen the excellent research already carried out here into improving pre-hospital care.”
Nigel Rees, Head of Research and Innovation for the Welsh Ambulance Service, said “The Trust has strong links with Swansea University which have enabled us to develop and deliver high quality research and innovations. By co-locating our offices within the Institute of Life Science, it presents many opportunities for greater collaboration to improve the quality of care we provide and how we deliver ambulance services in Wales and across the world.”