Researchers to develop a test for children most at risk of severe short sightedness
Researchers are developing a genetic test to identify people with severe short sightedness (high myopia) who are most at risk of permanent damage to their eyesight and would therefore benefit from more frequent monitoring. The test may also help to identify children who are most at risk of developing severe short sightedness. Researchers at Cardiff … Continue reading Researchers to develop a test for children most at risk of severe short sightedness

Two studies to look at visual hallucinations in people with sight loss
Fight for Sight is highlighting the need for more awareness and research into Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS), a visual hallucinatory condition which is common in people with sight loss. MediWales reports the charity is announcing funding for two research projects into the condition with the hope of finding a treatment or cure. Charles Bonnet syndrome … Continue reading Two studies to look at visual hallucinations in people with sight loss